Baryonic Ecosystem in Galaxies: tracing metal selected galaxies


The interplay between the galactic outflows and gas accretion from the diffuse gas reservoirs surrounding galaxies, i.e., circumgalactic medium provides the key insight into the chemical enrichment history of galaxies.  The quasar absorption line study has been proven to be a powerful tool to trace the low-density gas in the Universe. In recent efforts to study the absorber galaxy connection using advanced integral field spectrographs, mapping the galaxies over large impact parameters (∼ 200 kpc), the majority of the metal absorbers are commonly observed to be associated with multiple galaxies. The large scatter observed in absorbing galaxy properties likely indicate that the observed absorption essentially may not only map the outflows but may also originate from the multiple halos of a galaxy group. The notion that the absorption is caused by galaxies at the close impact parameter, however, is viable because it is highly challenging to find such faint galaxies in the glare of a bright background quasar. In this talk, I will discuss the absorber galaxy connection and possibility of faint/dark galaxies enriching the galaxy halo.

Prof. Ravi Joshi, Indian Institute of Astrophysics
KIAA Shu Qi meeting room
Monday, May 27, 2024 - 1:30PM to Monday, May 27, 2024 - 2:30PM