Research Projects

Scientists at KIAA/DoA are involved in a wide range of collaborations. Below are listed some of the domestic and international projects in which KIAA/DoA members are playing an important role.

All-Sky Automated Survey for Supernovae

Subo Dong 

Black hole-Host Lifecycle Evolution (BHOLE)

Luis C. Ho (PI)

Linhua Jiang (group leader), Yingjie Peng, Ran Wang, Xuebing Wu, Qingjuan Yu

Chinese Space Station Telescope Peking University Science Center

Xuebing Wu (Director)

Luis Ho, Linhua Jiang,Yingjie Peng etc.


Linhua Jiang 

Maunakea Spectroscopic Explorer

Luis Ho(Management Group Member);Eric Peng(Management Group Member);Yingjie Peng(Science Advisory Group Member);Xiaoting Fu(Team Leader) 


Linhua Jiang 

PKU-KIAA Innovation NSFC Group (PKING)

Luis C. Ho (PI)

Xian Chen (group leader), Linhua Jiang (group leader), Jing Wang (group leader)

Telescope Access Program (TAP)

Eric Peng (co-Chair, former KIAA faculty)

The Carnegie-Irvine Galaxy Survey (CGS)

Luis C. Ho (PI)

The Next Generation Virgo Cluster Survey

Eric Peng (Science Group Lead, former KIAA faculty)

Sungsoon Lim (former postdoc)

The Silk Road Project

Rainer Spurzem (PI)

Thirty Meter Telescope(TMT)

Gregory Herczeg (Chair of the Science Advisory Committee)

VISTA Variables in the Via Lactea (VVV)

Richard de Grijs (core team member, former KIAA faculty)

VISTA Magellanic Cloud Survey

Richard de Grijs (Science Group Lead, former KIAA faculty)

973 Project: Galactic Studies and multi-waveband identifications with LAMOST

Xiaowei Liu (former faculty)
