The mass relations between supermassive Black Holes and their host galaxies at 1<z<2 with HST-WFC3

Most galactic nuclei harbor a supermassive black hole (BH), whose mass is well known to correlate with the host properties including luminosity, stellar mass, stellar velocity dispersion. These tight correlations suggest a physical coupling between supermassive BH growth and galaxy evolution. One key to understanding this coupling is tracing this correlation to higher redshift, determining how and when they emerged and evolved over cosmic time. In this talk, I will describe my recent work that overcomes the systematics at higher redshift and establish whether the BH-host relation evolves with cosmic time. I will present the measurements of 32 X-ray selected AGNs (1.2<z<1.7), whose host mass are inferred using HST imaging data and BH masses are estimated using Balmer lines.

Dr. Xuheng Ding (UCLA)
1st meeting room, KIAA
Friday, August 23, 2019 - 12:00PM to Friday, August 23, 2019 - 1:00PM