The Role of Host Galaxy for the Environmental Dependence of Active Nuclei in Local Galaxies

Title The Role of Host Galaxy for the Environmental Dependence of Active Nuclei in Local Galaxies
Publication Type Journal Article
Year of Publication 2017
Authors Davies, RI, Hicks, EKS, Erwin, P, Burtscher, L, Contursi, A, Genzel, R, Janssen, A, Koss, M, Lin, M-Y, Lutz, D, Maciejewski, W, Müller-Sánchez, F, de, XGOrban, Ricci, C, Riffel, R, Riffel, RA, Rosario, D, Schartmann, M, Schnorr-Muller, A, Shimizu, T, Sternberg, A, Sturm, E, Storchi-Bergmann, T, Tacconi, L, Veilleux, S
Journal MNRAS
Volume 466
Pagination 4917