Yingjie Peng Interviewed by the AAS Journals

Yingjie Peng(彭影杰), Assistant Professor at the Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics at Peking University (KIAA-PKU), was invited by the American Astronomical Society (AAS) for an interview with the Senior Lead Editor of the AAS Journals, Prof. Frank Timmes.

In the interview, Peng discussed his classic 2010 AAS Journal article on mass and environment as drivers of galaxy evolution, which has received more than 1000 citations and is among the top 10 most cited astronomy & astrophysics articles published in 2010. Then Peng discussed some key progress made in studying galaxy formation and evolution in the past decade, and the bright prospects he sees in the next decade, including some exciting forthcoming major observation facilities. 

This video was created and is owned by the American Astronomical Society, https://aas.org/

Yingjie Peng (彭影杰, The Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics at Peking University) chats about the classic 2010 AAS Journal article on mass and environment as drivers of galaxy evolution, and where we can go from here given the published article.


The interview video is released on the AAS YouTube channel:


with a further push from the AAS through their social media outlets.

The video is available in China at: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1TQ4y1y723?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0


Related Article:

"Mass And Environment As Drivers Of Galaxy Evolution In SDSS And zCOSMOS And The Origin Of The Schechter Function"



Figure shown on evolution of the most cited astronomy & astrophysics articles and journals:
