IAU Symposium 312, "Star Clusters and Black Holes in Galaxies Across Cosmic Time", to be held in Beijing, Aug 25-29, 2014

The International Astronomical Union (IAU) Symposium No. 312 on "Black Holes and Star Clusters Across Cosmic Time" will take place in Beijing, Aug. 25-29, 2014. The lead organizers for this IAU Symposium are two KIAA faculty, Rainer Spurzem and Fukun Liu. Black Holes, dense star clusters, and galactic nuclei are moving into the focus of cosmological galaxy formation and evolution. High-resolution observations as well as simulations, in our local environment as well as in the distant universe approach the central engine and its co-evolution with stars and gas around. Black Holes formed in astrophysical environments are expected gravitational wave sources. China, and the National Observatories of Chinese Academy of Sciences (NAOC/CAS) as well as Peking university are at the forefront of these endeavors. Scientists from all over the world and China will meet to discuss their recent research in the National Science Library of Chinese Academy of Sciences