The KLEVER survey: nitrogen abundances at z 2 and probing the existence of a fundamental nitrogen relation

Title The KLEVER survey: nitrogen abundances at z 2 and probing the existence of a fundamental nitrogen relation
Publication Type Journal Article
Year of Publication 2022
Authors Hayden-Pawson, C, Curti, M, Maiolino, R, Cirasuolo, M, Belfiore, F, Cappellari, M, Concas, A, Cresci, G, Cullen, F, Kobayashi, C, Mannucci, F, Marconi, A, Meneghetti, M, Mercurio, A, Peng, Y, Swinbank, M, Vincenzo, F
Journal \mnras
Volume 512
Pagination 2867-2889
Date Published may
Keywords Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies, galaxies: abundances, galaxies: evolution, galaxies: high-redshift
DOI 10.1093/mnras/stac584