
Past Visiting Scholars

Visitor Period of stay Research interests
Pau Amaro-Seoane
Max-Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics
26 May 2019 to 19 Jun 2019 stellar dynamics, LIGO/Virgo/LISA black holes, data analysis and gravitational-wave search algorithms, planetesimal dynamics, scalar fields and collisional dark matter, and GPU computing
David Ian Jones
University of Southampton
20 May 2019 to 25 May 2019
Naoki Seto
Kyoto University
14 May 2019 to 20 May 2019 gravitational wave
Filippo Mannucci
Arcetri Astrophysical Observatory
13 May 2019 to 25 May 2019
Dan Stark
University of Arizona
11 May 2019 to 27 May 2019 First galaxies, cosmic reionization, low metallicity stars, galaxy formation, gravitational lensing, spectroscopy.
Matteo Bonetti
University of Milano-Bicocca
9 May 2019 to 20 May 2019 N-body newtonian and post-newtonian dynamics, gravitaional waves
Kohei Ichikawa
Tohoku University
22 Apr 2019 to 25 Apr 2019 AGN, black holes
Tomonari Michiyama
National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ)
22 Apr 2019 to 26 Apr 2019 merging galaxy, feedback, galaxy evolution, interstellar medium, ALMA, ASTE, APEX, Nobeyama
Christopher Martin
The Kavli Foundation
21 Mar 2019
Kevin Moses
The Kavli Foundation (Vice President of Science Programs)
21 Mar 2019