Haonan Zheng (郑浩楠)KIAA fellow, Boya fellow Office: K307 Email: hnzheng@pku.edu.cn Research interests: Cosmological simulation, galaxy formation and evolution, galaxy-halo co-evolution, small scale structures |
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Naval Kishor BhadariKIAA Fellow, Boya Fellow Office: 211 Email: naval@pku.edu.cn Research interests: Multi-wavelength (optical-radio) and multi-scale study of Galactic ISM & high-mass star-forming regions, Molecular clouds and filaments, Dust polarization study of ISM. |
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Guodong Li (李国栋)KIAA Postdoc Office: K211 Email: gdli@pku.edu.cn Research interests: Galaxy formation and evolution, hyper/ultra-luminous infrared galaxies, outflow of hot dust-obscured galaxies, co-evolution between black hole mass and stellar mass |
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Pinsong Zhao (赵品松)KIAA Postdoc Office: K407 Email: pszhao1993@pku.edu.cn Research interests: Morphology transformation of galaxies, UDGs, galaxy cluster,high-z galaxy |
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Hongbo Li (李洪波)KIAA Postdoc Office: DoA 2906S Email: lihb2020@pku.edu.cn Research interests: Compact stars, X-ray pulsar, Gravitational waves |
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Zipeng Hu(胡紫鹏)Boya Fellow Office: K218 Email: zphu@pku.edu.cn Research interests: interstellar medium, star formation, stellar feedback, numerical simulation. |
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Verónica Vázquez-AcevesBoya fellow Office: K401 Email: veronica@pku.edu.cn Research interests: Gravitational waves astrophysics, stellar dynamics, LISA/TianQin gravitational waves sources, extreme and extremely large mass ratio inspirals, intermediate mass black holes. |
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Wenfan Feng (冯文凡)Boya fellow Office: K215 Email: fengwf@pku.edu.cn Research interests: Gravitational wave, Gravitational and radio waves from Galactic double neutron stars, Gravitational waveforms from spinning neutron star, Dual-line gravitational wave source |
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Meng-Hua Chen (陈梦华)KIAA Fellow Office: K307 Email: physcmh@pku.edu.cn Research interests: Nuclear physics, nuclear astrophysics, high energy astrophysics |
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Xinkai Chen (陈新凯)KIAA Postdoc Office: K401 Email: xkchen@pku.edu.cn Research interests: Galaxy formation and evolution, integral or spatially resolved scaling relations of galaxies, polar-ring galaxy |
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Guangxuan Lan(蓝广旋)Boya fellow Office: K407 Email: gxlan@pku.edu.cn Research interests: Transients,Host galaxies of transients,First galaxies and stars |
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Torben FrostKIAA Postdoc Office: K401 Email: torben.frost@pku.edu.cn Research interests: black holes, gravitational lensing and gravitational wave theory in addition: general relativity, theories of massive gravity, quantum gravity, and their observational effects in multimessenger astrophysics |
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Vineet OjhaSpecial Boya fellow Office: K218 Email: vineetojha@pku.edu.cn Research interests: Multi-Wavelength Study of Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxies, timing and spectral variability of AGNs, optical polarization study of AGNs, multi-wavelength observations of AGNs such as Optical/UV and X-ray. |
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Siqi Liu(刘思琦)KIAA Postdoc Office: K215 Email: liusiqi_647@pku.edu.cn Research interests: Emission-line compact galaxies, spatially-resolved SED fitting, galaxy formation and evolution and the relation with black holes. |
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Yudong Luo(罗煜东)DoA Postdoc Office: DoA 2921W Email: yudong.luo@pku.edu.cn Research interests: Big Bang Cosmology, Big Bang Nucleosynthesis, Explosive Nucleosynthesis |
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Bing Lyu (吕兵)CSST Fellow Office: K218 Email: lyubing@pku.edu.cn Research interests: Changing-look AGNs, AGN's timing and spectral evolution, multi-wavelength observations such as radio, optical/UV, Infrared, and X-ray. |
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Chao Ma (马超)PKING Fellow Office: K215 Email: machao@pku.edu.cn Research interests: galaxy morphology and decomposition,galaxy cluster,galaxy formation and evolution. |
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Tuan Yi(伊团)Boya fellow Office: K401 Email: yituan@pku.edu.cn Research interests: stellar systems, binary stars, stellar spectroscopy and photometry, compact objects, optical time-domain astronomy. |
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Wenli Yuan (苑文莉)DoA Postdoc Office: DoA 2913S Email: wlyuan@pku.edu.cn Research interests: QCD phase transition, quark matter, effective field theory, compact stars and gravitational |
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Liang-Gui Zhu(朱良贵)Boya Fellow Office: K401 Email: lianggui.zhu@pku.edu.cn Research interests: Inferring the expansion of the Universe using GW detections and galaxy surveys, Gravitational-wave data processing, the "last parsec problem" of massive black hole binary merger, etc. |
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Name | Term of Employment | Current Unit |
KIAA Fellow (202210-202409) | |
KIAA Postdoc (202210-202406) | Guangxi University, Faculty |
KIAA Fellow (2021-12 to 2024-03) | SHAO,Postdoc |
Boya Fellow (202207-202406) | Sun Yat-sen University, Faculty |
KIAA Fellow, Boxin Fellow (2021-09 to 2024-07) | Nanjing University, faculty |
CSST Fellow (2021-09 to 2023-05) | Leiden University,Postdoc |
Boya Fellow (202111-202403) | Zhejing University, Faculty |
KIAA Postdoc (2021-09 to 2024-02) | Southern Medical University,Faculty |
Boya Fellow (202207-202412) | |
DoA Postdoc (2019-11 to 2022-10) | NAOC,Faculty |
KIAA Fellow (202207-202406) | Durham University,Postdoc |
KIAA Postdoc (202110-202309) | Hunan University, Faculty |
Boya Fellow (202210-202408) | Dalian University of Technology,Faculty |
CSST Fellow (2020-09 to 2022-08) | Company |
KIAA Postdoc (2018-07 to 2022-06) | |
KIAA Postdoc (202209-202408) | Dalian University of Technology,Faculty |
PKING Fellow (2020-09 to 2022-06) | Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics,Postdoc |
KIAA Fellow (2021-06 to 2023-05) | niversidad de Chile, postdoc |
Boya Fellow (2019-05 to 2022-04) | Purple Mountain Observatory,CAS, Faculty |
Kavli Astrophysics Fellow (2021-12 to 2023-11) | IPMU, Postdoc |
PKING Fellow (2019-11 to 2022-10) | Chalmers Univ., Postdoc |
Boya Fellow (2020-06 to 2023-09) | |
KIAA Fellow (2019-11 to 2023-11) | Zhejiang University, Postdoc |
KIAA Fellow (2019-10 to 2021-03) | Osaka University,Postdoc |
DoA Postdoc (2019-09 to 2021-08) | Wenzhou University,Faculty |
PKING Fellow (2019-09 to 2021-08) | Company |
PKING Fellow (2019-09 to 2024-03) | |
DoA Postdoc (2019-08 to 2021-09) | Wenzhou University,Faculty |
BHOLE Fellow (2019-05 to 2022-04) | NAOC,Postdoc |
KIAA-CAS Fellow (2017-09 to 2020-08) | Xiamen University, Faculty |
BHOLE Fellow (2018-11 to 2021-10) | Tsinghua University, Postdoc |
PKING Fellow (2018-11 to 2020-10) | INAOE,Postdoc |
KIAA-Kavli IPMU Fellow (2018-09 to 2021-02) | SHAO,Faculty |
PKING Fellow (2018-08 to 2020-08) | Raman Research Inst., Postdoc |
PKING Fellow (2017-11 to 2021-03) | S.N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences,Faculty |
BHOLE Fellow (2017-11 to 2021-10) | University of Science and Technology of China,Postdoc |
KIAA-CAS Fellow (2017-11 to 2021-03) | Purple Mountain Observatory,CAS, Faculty |
DoA Postdoc (2017-11 to 2019-11) | Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, Postdoc |
BHOLE Fellow (2017-09 to 2021-02) | Manipal Centre for Natural Sciences,Faculty |
KIAA postdoc (2017-09 to 2019-09) | SHAO, Faculty |
DoA Postdoc (2017-09 to 2022-05) | Guangxi Minzu University, faculty |
KIAA postdoc (2019-11 to 2021-10) | |
KIAA Postdoc (2015-10 to 2021-09) | left academia |
KIAA-CITA Joint Postdoctoral Fellow (2014-07 to 2017-06) | Xiamen University, Faculty |
KIAA postdoc (2013-10 to 2015-09) | Guangzhou University, Faculty |
DoA postdoc (2012-09 to 2014-10) | Shenzhen Technology University, Faculty |
Boya Fellow (2018-05 to 2020-10) | Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute,Postdoc |
BHOLE Fellow, Boya Fellow () | |
BHOLE Fellow, Boya Fellow (2017-05 to 2020-02) | Beijing Planetarium,Faculty |
KIAA Fellow (2017-09 to 2020-08) | |
KIAA Fellow (2018-10 to 2020-08) | Pusan National University,Faculty |
DoA Postdoc (2014-10 to 2018-07) | University of Tampa, Postdoc |
KIAA Postdoc (2016-10 to 2020-08) | Tech Wolf Lab |
Boya Fellow, PKING Fellow (2019-12 to 2021-11) | Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute,Postdoc |
BHOLE Fellow (2017-09 to 2021-03) | Indian Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics,Faculty |
KIAA Fellow (2019-09 to 2021-09) | Kyungpook National University,Faculty |
DoA Postdoc (2019-09 to 2021-08) | Yanshan Univerisity,Faculty |
FAST Fellow (2020-12 to 2023-11) | |
DoA Postdoc (2018-07 to 2021-04) | Tianjin Normal University,Faculty |
KIAA Postdoc (202209-202408) | |
Boya Fellow (2019-05 to 2023-03) | Tsinghua University,Postdoc |
KIAA-ICRAR Fellow (2018-10 to 2022-10) | NAOC,Faculty |
KIAA -CAS Fellow (2016-07 to 2019-09) | Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie, Postdoc |
KIAA-ICRAR Fellow (2017-12 to 2019-11) | Kavli IPMU, Postdoc |
DoA Postdoc (2017-11 to 2019-11) | |
KIAA postdoc (2017-11 to 2018-06) | ASIAA, Postdoc |
DoA Postdoc (2017-11 to 2019-10) | Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Faculty |
ANU-KIAA Fellow (2017-10 to 2019-10) | NAOC, Faculty |
KIAA postdoc (2017-09 to 2019-09) | Hunan Normal University, Faculty |
DoA postdoc, LAMOST Fellow (2016-11 to 2018-05) | Yunnan University, Faculty |
DOA Postdoc (2016-10 to 2019-03) | University College London, Postdoc |
KIAA Fellow (2016-10 to 2017-09) | National Astronomical Observatory of Japan |
KIAA Fellow (2016-10 to 2019-09) | Yongsei University, Faculty |
KIAA Fellow (2016-10 to 2018-09) | Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Marseille |
KIAA Fellow (2016-07 to 2019-06) | NAOC, Faculty |
KIAA -CAS Fellow (2016-07 to 2019-09) | |
KIAA Postdoc (2016-06 to 2019-06) | The Ohio State University, Postdoc |
KIAA - CAS Fellow (2016-06 to 2019-04) | Yunnan University, Faculty |
Chile-China Postdoc Fellow (2016-03 to 2018-03) | Universidad Diego Portales, Faculty |
DoA Postdoc (2015-11 to 2017-06) | Yunnan University, Faculty |
KIAA Postdoc (2015-10 to 2016-10) | BAERI at NASA Ames Research Center in Mountain View |
KIAA Fellow (2015-10 to 2017-10) | Korea Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS) |
KIAA Fellow (2015-10 to 2017-09) | Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics, Postdoc |
KIAA Fellow (2015-10 to 2017-09) | Mahidol University, Faculty |
KIAA Fellow (2015-10 to 2017-09) | Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Faculty |
DoA Postdoc (2015-10 to 2018-06) | Yunnan University, Faculty |
KIAA Postdoc (2014-10 to 2017-09) | Indian Institute of Science Education and Research,Scientist |
DoA Postdoc (2014-10 to 2018-07) | |
CAS-CONICYT China-Chile Fellow (2014-07 to 2015-06) | Institute of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Po |
DoA Postdoc (2014-07 to 2016-06) | National Astronomical Observatories, CAS, Scientist |
KIAA-CITA Joint Postdoctoral Fellow (2014-07 to 2017-06) | Shanghai Jiaotong University, Postdoc |
KIAA Fellow (2014-04 to 2015-12) | Korea Institute for Advanced Study, Scientist |
DoA Postdoc (2013-10 to 2016-03) | Company |
KIAA postdoc (2013-10 to 2015-09) | Sun Yat-sen University, Faculty |
DoA postdoc (2013-07 to 2017-06) | Yunnan University, Faculty |
DoA postdoc (2013-07 to 2015-06) | National Autonomous University of Mexico, Faculty |
KIAA postdoc (2013-04 to 2015-03) | NASA, Postdoc |
LAMOST Fellow (2012-10 to 2015-03) | Universitat Politecnia de Catalunya(Spain), Faculty |
CAS-CONICYT China-Chile Fellow (2012-09 to 2015-03) | University of Science and Technology of China, Faculty |
KIAA Fellow (2012-04 to 2015-12) | Eötvös University(Budapest), Postdoc |