Spitzer mid-IR spectroscopy of powerful 2Jy and 3CRR radio galaxies. I. Evidence against a strong starburst-AGN connection in radio-loud AGN

Title Spitzer mid-IR spectroscopy of powerful 2Jy and 3CRR radio galaxies. I. Evidence against a strong starburst-AGN connection in radio-loud AGN
Publication Type Journal Article
Year of Publication 2012
Authors Dicken, D, Tadhunter, C, Axon, D, Morganti, R, Robinson, A, Kouwenhoven, MBN, Spoon, H, Kharb, P, Inskip, KJ, Holt, J, C. Almeida, R, Nesvadba, NPH
Journal ApJ
Volume 745
Pagination 172
DOI 10.1088/0004-637X/745/2/172