【CSST Discussion】利用宇宙学模拟了解环境效应在星系息产中的作用


Using Simulations to Understand the Role of Environmental Effects in Galaxy Quenching

It has been long proposed that the environmental effects play an important role in affecting the evolution and properties of galaxies. Recent advancements in cosmological simulations (e.g, EAGLE, IllustrisTNG) help us to gain better insights into the relative significance and details of various environmental effects in affecting star formation properties of galaxies in cosmological context. Simulations have highlighted ram pressure as an overall important mechanism in group and cluster environment, quenching most infalling galaxies immediately at or within a period of time after first pericentric passage. Other mechanisms, such as tidal interaction with other satellites, may also perturb gas contents of galaxies. Outside cluster environment, galaxies experience pre-processing, leading a significant fraction of galaxies being pre-processed in low-mass clusters, group analogous of the Local Group and circum-cluster filaments. In this talk I am to review some recent works utilising cosmological simulations to exploit environmental effects in affecting cold gas star forming properties of galaxies. I will review some recent simulation works predicting quiescent fraction and quenching mechanisms in behind in clusters, groups and possibly also in cosmological filaments. I will discuss how these simulation results compare to observations. These simulations provide general pictures of galaxies quenching, which, upon comparing to future observational data provided by, e.g, CSST, may offer better understanding of galaxy evolution in a cosmological context.

Zezhong Liang 梁泽众
KIAA 1st meeting room https://meeting.tencent.com/dm/owyFu6OS3Rd7 腾讯会议:401-8779-0146
Tuesday, May 30, 2023 - 9:30AM to Tuesday, May 30, 2023 - 11:00AM