【CSST Discussion】SDSS-MaNGA:利用IFU统计数据研究附近星系恒星形成以及恒星动力学结构


SDSS-MaNGA: statistical IFU data for revealing SF and stellar kinematics in neaby galaxies

As one of the most well-known sky surveies in the world, SDSS have been continuously observing the skies for roughly 20yr from 1998. The Mapping Nearby Galaxies at APO(MaNGA) survey is one of the three main surveies during the fourth phase of SDSS from 2017 and have been completed this year. Up to now, MaNGA have obtained integral-field spectroscopy for ~10,000 nearby galaxies. In this talk, I will introduce some basic information about the MaNGA survey. Besides data introduction, I will also talk about some important results from MaNGA data. It has been accepted that galaxies can be divided into blue cloud and red sequence according to their position on the SFR-$M_*$ plane. The blue star-forming galaxies usually follow a tight relation named star-forming sequence. Using MaNGA IFU data for ~10,000 galaxies, researchers have gained more information into the star formation process and quenching process. In addition, the spectroscopic analysis can offer more details of galaxy metallicity and stellar kinematics, which can help we learn more for the secular evolution in galaxies. Finally I will discuss what can be done further if we combine the MaNGA data with the CSST data in the future.

Dong Yang 杨冬
KIAA 1st Meeting Room https://meeting.tencent.com/dm/SQEllZOIDE7s 腾讯会议:940-6639-5711
Tuesday, November 15, 2022 - 9:30AM to Tuesday, November 15, 2022 - 11:00AM