LAMOST J0140355 + 392651: an evolved cataclysmic variable donor transitioning to become an extremely low-mass white dwarf

Title LAMOST J0140355 + 392651: an evolved cataclysmic variable donor transitioning to become an extremely low-mass white dwarf
Publication Type Journal Article
Year of Publication 2021
Authors El-Badry, K, Quataert, E, Rix, H-W, Weisz, DR, Kupfer, T, Shen, KJ, Xiang, M, Yang, Y, Liu, X
Journal \mnras
Volume 505
Pagination 2051-2073
Date Published aug
Keywords Astrophysics - Solar and Stellar Astrophysics, binaries: close, binaries: spectroscopic, cataclysmic variables, novae, white dwarfs
DOI 10.1093/mnras/stab1318