Far-infrared molecular lines from low- to high-mass star forming regions observed with Herschel

Title Far-infrared molecular lines from low- to high-mass star forming regions observed with Herschel
Publication Type Journal Article
Year of Publication 2014
Authors Karska, A, Herpin, F, Bruderer, S, Goicoechea, J R, Herczeg, G J, van Dishoeck, E F, San José-García, I, Contursi, A, Feuchtgruber, H, Fedele, D, Baudry, A, Braine, J, Chavarría, L, Cernicharo, J, van der Tak, F F S, Wyrowski, F
Journal \aap
Volume 562
Pagination A45
Keywords astrochemistry, infrared: ISM, ISM: jets and outflows, molecular processes, stars: protostars
DOI 10.1051/0004-6361/201321954