The cosmic growth of the active black hole population at 1 $łt$z $łt$2 in zCOSMOS, VVDS and SDSS

Title The cosmic growth of the active black hole population at 1 $łt$z $łt$2 in zCOSMOS, VVDS and SDSS
Publication Type Journal Article
Year of Publication 2015
Authors Schulze, A, Bongiorno, A, Gavignaud, I, Schramm, M, Silverman, J, Merloni, A, Zamorani, G, Hirschmann, M, Mainieri, V, Wisotzki, L, Shankar, F, Fiore, F, Koekemoer, A M, Temporin, G
Journal mnras
Volume 447
Pagination 2085-2111
Keywords galaxies: active, galaxies: nuclei, quasars: general
DOI 10.1093/mnras/stu2549