KIAA Holds 2021 Governing Board Meeting

The KIAA Governing Board welcomes new chair Ru Huang, Vice President of Peking University. Prof. Huang replaces Prof. Qihuang Gong, Executive Vice President of Peking University, who provided strong oversight during his term. The Governing Board also welcomes new members Zhanwen Han, Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, former Director of Yunnan Observatory of CAS, and Yuanning Gao, Dean of School of Physics at PKU.


(Sandra Faber, Robert Kennicutt and Christopher Martin attended online)

On December 9, 2021, KIAA held the 2021 Governing Board Meeting. In attendance were Ru Huang, Zhanwen Han, Yuanning Gao, and Sandra Faber, co-chair of the GB, Professor from the University of California, Santa Cruz, Robert Kennicutt, Professor of the University of Arizona, Chair of KIAA Scientific Advisory Committee, Jiansheng Chen, Professor of the University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and PKU, Luis Ho (ex-officio) Director of KIAA, Christopher Martin (observer) Director of the Physical Sciences and Associate Vice President of Operations of the Kavli Foundation, Xuebing Wu, Associate Director of Administration of KIAA and Chair of PKU Department of Astronomy (DoA), Gregory Herczeg, Associate Director of Science of KIAA, and Huawei Zhang and Zhuo Li, Associate Chairs of DoA.

Ru Huang gave opening remarks

Ru Huang, Sandra Faber, and Christopher Martin gave opening remarks to explain the goals of the Governing Board meeting, to describe the issues to be covered, and to express support from Peking University, the Governing Board, and the Kavli Foundation.

Luis Ho gave a report on the overview of KIAA and PKU Astronomy

Xuebing Wu gave a report on the overview of the KIAA administration

Gregory Herczeg gave a report on the strategic plan for future opportunities

Luis Ho provided the Board with an overview of KIAA and PKU Astronomy, summarizing the achievements in various aspects that have been made and addressing the challenges for the future. Xuebing Wu reported on the overview of the KIAA administration, while Gregory Herczeg reported on the strategic plan for future opportunities. Robert Kennicutt, chair of the KIAA Science Advisory Committee, describe the findings and recommendations from the SAC meeting in April 2021.  The members had an open discussion after the reports, which was followed by an Executive Session.

The GB members were impressed by what has been achieved at KIAA in recent years, including research, recruitment, collaboration, talents training, and the establishment of the China Space Station Telescope (CSST) PKU Science Center. They also intensively discussed the practical solutions to tackle KIAA's further development challenges, including the small faculty team, the small number of graduate student enrollment, lack of astronomical observational resources, office and lab space limited for the future development, and difficulties for international faculty and administrative staff. The members also expressed their continuous oversight and support for KIAA's further development.