KIAA to co-sponsor a meeting on "Probing Active Galactic Nuclei with Radio Techniques"

KIAA is co-sponsoring the meeting "Probing Active Galactic Nuclei with Radio techniques", which will be held during May 21-25, 2015 in Yining, a city in northwestern Xinjiang Province in China.  Yining is the seat of the Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture.


The purpose of this meeting is to gather researchers  to exchange new results and views, especially with expertise in utilizing radio techniques to probe AGNs. This is both an opportunity for mainland Chinese astronomers to get to know each other and form collaborations, and for them to interact with foreign experts, especially from neighboring countries/region such as Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, and India, all of whom have a substantial community of radio astronomers whose research focuses on AGNs.

More information about the meeting can be found at