KIAA to Host Workshop on "Quasars and Active Galactic Nuclei over Cosmic Time"

We are very happy to announce that the Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics (KIAA) of Peking University is hosting a workshop entitled “Quasars and Active Galactic Nuclei over Cosmic Time”. The workshop will be held at KIAA in Beijing, China. The main goals of this workshop are to review the recent progresses of the surveys and observational studies of quasars / active galactic nuclei at all redshifts, and develop future collaborations on large telescope programs, e.g., using ALMA, VLT, Magellan, LBT, etc. The workshop includes a main conference with invited and contributed talks on Tuesday and Wednesday, March 17-18, 2015, followed by group discussions and collaboration meeting in the rest of the week. We will also provide office space for people to work together during the workshop.



Please contact Ran Wang ( if you would like to attend this workshop and give contributed talks.

Invited Participants: Frank Bertoldi (Univ. of Bonn), Fuyan Bian (ANU), Weihao Bian (NJNU), Hu Chen (IHEP), Xiaobo Dong (YNAO), Xiaohui Fan (Arizona), Yu Gao (PMO), Minfeng Gu(SHAO), Luis Ho (KIAA), Linhua Jiang (KIAA), Fukun Liu (PKU), Youjun Lu (NAOC), Yue Shen (KIAA), Yong Shi (NJU), Michael Strauss (Princeton), Xinwen Shu (USTC/CEA), Yongquan Xue (USTC), Fabian Walter (MPIfA), Jianmin Wang (IHEP), Junfeng Wang (Xiamen Univ.), Junxian Wang (USTC), Yiping Wang (NAOC), Xue-Bing Wu (KIAA), Weimin Yi (YNAO), Qingjuan Yu (PKU).


Scientific Organizing Committee: Xiaohui Fan (Arizona), Luis Ho (KIAA), Xue-Bing Wu (KIAA), Ran Wang (KIAA), Linhua Jiang (KIAA), Yue Shen (KIAA)

Local Organizing Committee: Ran Wang (KIAA), Linhua Jiang (KIAA), Jie Yao (KIAA), Lili Liu (KIAA), Shuo Zhang (KIAA)