Challenge to the Black Hole Model of quasars and Active Galactic Nuclei

part I: On our Galactic Center: An unusually strong radial magnetic field has been found near our Galactic Center (Eatough  et al., 2013) Its important implication is that the observed radiation from the GC cannot be emitted by the gas of the accretion disk due to accretion plasma fluid being hard to  transfer  cross the magnetic field line by the Lorentz force. This is the first dilemma of the standard accretion disk model of black hole at the GC (Peng et al. 2016). The second dilemma is that the magnetic field with a lower limit of 8mG near the GC is  hardly produced by ɑ-turbulence dynamo mechanism (Peng et al. 2016). Then I would like talk that the strong radial magnetic field detected in the vicinity of the GC is consistent with the prediction from our model of supermassive object with magnetic monopoles ( Peng and Chou 2001). This is a strong evidence of both no black hole at the GC and existence of magnetic monopoles (Peng et al., 2016, 2017a). Taking the RC effect (nucleons may decay catalyzed by MM) as an energy source, besides, we have proposed an unified model for various supernova explosion(Peng et al. 2017b). In our model, the remnant of the collapsed core of supernova is still a neutron star rather than a black hole no matter how huge of the supernova mass. That means, black holes with stellar mass are impossible to be formed through supernova explosion.


part II: Query on the black hole models for other quasars and active galactic nuclei: The key dilemma of the black hole model is the question on the BH mass at the center of AGNs . The radiation from the BHs is due to accreting the material of accretion disk around the BHs. According to the Mach principle, the mass distribution of the universe (different redshifts) of the black holes formed in the early universe (with the number of black holes formed) was roughly the same. Through the accretion process, the mass of black holes could only increase continuously. If we assume that all quasars were born at the same primordial era, then the detected (observed) accreted mass of the BH through accretion disk (by the current theories of the accretion disk) should be took off . Then the mass of BHs in the lower redshift region would be very small or negative . However, the dilemma will disappear in our model of Supper-massive Stars with magnetic monopoles ( Peng and Chou 2001).

Qiuhe Peng (Nanjing U)
1st meeting room, KIAA
Tuesday, October 15, 2019 - 12:00PM to Tuesday, October 15, 2019 - 12:00PM