PARSEC-COLIBRI stellar evolution models

After a brief history of PARSEC/Padova stellar evolution models, an overview of the progresses in recent years will be presented, including
1) models calibrated T-tau relation with observed mass-radius relation, which improve greatly the isochrone fitting to the color-magnitude diagram
of star clusters; 2) implementing the strong Eddington factor dependant stellar wind for very massive stars, which naturally explains the observed scarsity in the Humphreys-Davidson limit region; 3) a homogeneous and comprehensive publically available database of stellar bolometric corrections;
4) updated TRILEGAL population synthesis tool; 5) detailed TP-AGB calibration with observation data for SMC, M31, etc; 6) PARSEC models with rotation; 7) PARSEC alpha-enhanced stellar models and atmosphere models; 8) PARSEC SSP models;

Yang Chen (Padova Observatory)
KIAA 1st meeting room
Friday, May 17, 2019 - 12:00PM to Friday, May 17, 2019 - 1:00PM