Probing relativistic gravity with radio astronomy

We experience a golden era in testing and exploring relativistic gravity. Whether it is results from gravitational wave detectors, satellite or lab experiments, radio astronomy plays an important complementary role. Here one can mention the cosmic microwave background, black hole imaging and, obviously, binary pulsars. This talk will provide an overview how these methods relate to each other, and will in particular focus on new results from the study of binary pulsars, where we can test the behaviour of strongly self-gravitating bodies with unrivalled precision. The talk will also give an outlook of what we can expect from new experiments, such as MeerKAT or the SKA.

Michael Kramer (MPIfR)
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 837 7563 4656 Passcode: 473114
Lijing Shao
Thursday, March 31, 2022 - 3:30PM to Thursday, March 31, 2022 - 4:30PM
Born in Cologne, Michael Kramer graduated Physics in Cologne and Bonn, and obtained a PhD at the University of Bonn in 1995. He was a staff astronomer at MPIfR (1996-1998), a Max-Planck Otto-Hahn fellow at the University of California at Berkeley, first Lecturer and then later Professor at the University of Manchester, Head of the Pulsar Group of the Jodrell Bank Observatory and Associate Director of the Jodrell Bank Observatory. In 2009, he was appointed as Director at the Max-Planck-Institute for Radio astronomy in Bonn, Germany. He is currently President of the German Astronomical Society. His expertise lies in data intensive radio astronomy with a focus on the observations of pulsars for experimental tests of gravitational physics.