The Varied Fates of Galaxies in the Young Universe

Kyoungsoo Lee (Purdue)
Speaker Introduction : 

Johns Hopkins University, Department of Physics & Astronomy
Ph.D., Physics, 2007 (Advisor: Mauro Giavalisco, Timothy Heckman) Dissertation: “Understanding Dark Matter-UV Light Connection at High Redshift”
M.S., Physics, 2004
Pohang Institute of Science and Technology (POSTECH), Republic of Korea B.A., Physics, 1999

Research Experience and Employment:
2014-  Assistant Professor at Purdue Univesity
2012-2013 Research Associate at Purdue University
2007-2011 Jaylee and Gilbert Mead Prize Postdoctoral Fellow at Yale University (faculty mentor: Claudia Megan Urry)

KIAA-PKU Auditorium
Eric Peng
Tuesday, March 4, 2014 - 4:00PM to Tuesday, March 4, 2014 - 5:00PM