The hot Jupiter of the magnetically-active weak-line T Tauri star V830 Tau

Title The hot Jupiter of the magnetically-active weak-line T Tauri star V830 Tau
Publication Type Journal Article
Year of Publication 2016
Authors Donati, J-F, Yu, L, Moutou, C, Cameron, A C, Malo, L, Grankin, K, Hébrard, E, Hussain, G A J, Vidotto, A A, Alencar, S H P, Haywood, R D, Bouvier, J, Petit, P, Takami, M, Herczeg, G J, Gregory, S G, Jardine, M M, Morin, J, collaboration, theMaTYSSE
Journal ArXiv e-prints
Keywords Astrophysics - Earth and Planetary Astrophysics, Astrophysics - Solar and Stellar Astrophysics