New results from the FAST Galactic Plane Pulsar Snapshot survey

Discovery of pulsars is one of main goals for large radio telescopes. The Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio
Tetelscope (FAST) has the largest collecting area for radio waves, with an aperture of 300~m in diameter. Mounted with the
19-beam L-band receiver with a system temperature of about 20 K, it is the most sensitive radio telescope. The Galactic Plane Pulsar Snapshot (GPPS) survey was carefully designed to discover pulsars first within 5 degree of the Galactic  latitudes from the Galactic plane and later to 10 degree. After very dedicated development and updating of data processing pipeline and a huge amount of extensive processing, we have discovered 550 pulsars, including 120 millisecond pulsars, 6 Fast Radio Bursts. In the mean time, we obtained the spectral line data which provide the deepest insights into the interstellar medium.

Join Zoom:

Meeting ID: 468 751 9297

Passcode: 341771

Jinlin Han (NAOC)
Ke Wang
Thursday, March 2, 2023 - 3:30PM to Thursday, March 2, 2023 - 4:30PM