KIAA to Host Workshop on Astroparticle Physics

The KIAA is hosting the “KIAA workshop on Astroparticle Phsics” (KIAA-WAP). The workshop will be held at the KIAA, Sept. 28-29, 2015. The lead organizers include PKU Professor Renxin Xu, and Kavli Visiting Scholar, Angela Olinto (KICP, Chicago). Other organizers include Ke Fang (KICP, Chicago), Zhaosheng Li (PKU), and Meng Su (MIT).


The long-standing quest for understanding the fundamental laws of Nature has motivated the new field of Astroparticle Physics where observations of the Universe are used to probe particle interactions. This small workshop will bring together astroparticle physics experts to provoke discussion and foster collaboration especially between members of Kavli Institutes.

Please contact Renxin Xu ( if you would like to attend this workshop and give contributed talks.


Conference website: