Chair of the Kavli Prize Committee in Astrophysics visited KIAA

Prof. Mats Carlsson visited KIAA on December 10, 2018. Prof. Carlsson is a well-known solar physicist from the Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics, University of Oslo, Norway. He is a Fellow of Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters (NASL) and a Fellow of Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. He has been the Chair of Kavli Prize Committee in Astrophysics since 2014.

He gave an excellent talk on “Recent developments in the modeling of the solar chromosphere” at KIAA. He presented very impressive 3D radiation-MHD simulations spanning the solar atmosphere from the convection zone to the corona, and compared the simulations with solar observations. The audience raised many interesting questions and had lively discussions with the speaker.

After the talk, Prof. Carlsson toured the building of KIAA, which is the first Kavli Institute he visited, and met the associate director of KIAA, Prof. Xue-Bing Wu. They exchanged ideas on how to connect the solar study with other areas of astrophysics, how to develop computational astrophysics at KIAA, and the future of the Kavli Prize in Astrophysics.

Professor Xue-Bing Wu and Prof. Carlsson in KIAA-PKU